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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

E-Swisher Cigar / Cigarette

This is a product that I received from a website that you answer surveys to match you to the best products for you, then you share your thoughts on those products to others off line and online, and then repeat to work your way up the chain of more products.

I have been wanting to try this brand of e-cigarette for a long time now and now I have been given the chance to. Well I kind of been given the chance. I was sent the cigar version instead of the cigarette one but I did smoke it quite a bit during the time I have had the product so I feel I can give this an honest actual review. I do not smoke cigars at all but I still needed to do the review. 
Rechargeable unscrews - battery is in the end of unscrewed end of white side.

The E-Swisher electronic smoking devices comes in rechargeable kits and disposables. There are 2 cigarette (Menthol and regular) and a cigar. Both versions last about equal to smoking 2 packs of cigarettes. The rechargeable kits have replacement cartridges in 2 different strengths of 12mg and 18mg. In the kits you get an USB port that you put the lifetime battery into and connect it to your computer, wall, or car for recharging. 
The end that you would normally light glows red when you smoke the device just like a real cigarette would. There is no messy ashes or second hand smoke to bother those around you. You may still come across some places that still will not let you even smoke this kind of cigarette but just knowing that in a family and friend gathering, you can still enjoy a smoke without offending those around you is enough to make this product worth the cost. 

Now for my thoughts about smoking this product and does it preform as advertised. Remember I was sent the cigar and I do not smoke cigars at anytime. I have a son that does and I will be giving him this product once I am finished writing this. I believe that there is about one pack left of smoking the one that I was sent. I also would like to note that I was sent the disposable version. The first time I used this cigar, I coughed a little due to the strength of the cigar version. Cigars are much stronger naturally to smoke than cigarettes for those who do not know this. I drew in like a smoker does to smoke and it did feel like a lit actual cigar. The tip does light up red like a real lit cigar, and when you exhale there is a mist that leaves your mouth just like when you smoke a real cigar.

I do have to say that it does feel and preform like smoking a real cigar. The flavor is there, the satisfaction is there, and the scent of a flavored cigar is there too. In fact there was a few times when I smoked the device to much, I got a little light headed from the strength of it. I live with a house hold of 5 adults and only 2 of us are smokers and the non-smokers did not complain of any lingering smells like with real cigars or cigarettes. Another fact is that during the time I used this product for my review, I found that I did smoke less of my normal cigarettes. So that was an added bonus.

Do I think that the E-Swisher cigar is worth the investment? If I were a cigar smoker I would have to say yes it is. Now not having tried their cigarette version, I am not going to comment on it but would love to try their cigarette device and will try to in the near future. 
Note - The first draw or two on this device may be light but just relax and smoke like you normally would and you will get the right effect and feel for you.

If you go to you can see all there is to know about this product and anything that I may have missed. You will also find a place to put in your zip code and find retailers near you that carry the product. Also I have been told by some friends that in some smoke shops they also have them and that they may not be on the E-Swisher website noting they carry the product. 

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