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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Edible Green Tea

Green tea, but you do not drink this one. You eat it. Yes once a day you mix a pack or tablespoon full into any food that you eat daily and then just eat. Do not worry, the tea is 100 % organic and lab tested for purity and potency. Each pack or tablespoon full contains the same antioxidants found in 30 cups of brewed tea. They come in 3 gram packets equaling a daily serving making it easy to just open and use the correct amount each day or one large bag.

The recommended daily dose is meant to give you an incredible antioxidant boost and an energy boost throughout the day. You can also use it in smoothies and shakes or visit their website for recipe ideas.
You can search Organic Green Tea Leaves on
I was sent seven (7) packets to try and review and I take a lot of vitamins that I stopped taking once I was approved for this product so I could get the complete effect. I was honestly worried more about the taste than anything else. Tea leaves that you eat? They were not bad. I mean they are dried so that was a little noticeable every now and then depending on how I ate them but most of the time I just put them in my soup right before I ate it. The tea itself does not have a taste so it does not alter what you put it into. I did not put it into any smoothies or shakes due to I did not have anything to make a smoothie or shake with.

After completing the seven (7) days of packets and a few days without before writing this review ( to get the possible full effect ), the energy boost was subtle but there and remember I only had a seven day supply and everyone is different so it may take longer using the product for me to see more or better results. As I said in the beginning of this review, I stopped taking my vitamins so they would not interfere in using the Green Tea and for someone who has fibromyalgia (the reason for so many vitamins), I believe that if I had more of the Green Tea, I may or may not have been able to take less vitamins or none at all. I would only know that by using only the Green Tea for a much longer time. I did not get any upset stomach or caffeine crash while using this product either, and trust me I can only drink about 4 cups of coffee in a whole week due to the caffeine and what it does to my tummy. Do I think this product is worth the money? For what I had to review and the amount of time I was able to use the product, I think it could be. Can't hurt.

Bookmark and Share I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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