This product is a natural weight loss dietary supplement.
A product from Living Fit USA and can be ordered from .
This products claims that it will increase you energy while suppressing your appetite and is not meant for anyone under the age of 18, pregnant or nursing.
This weight loss pill is all natural with Garcinia Cambogia and Green Coffee Bean Extract - the strongest appetite suppressant and fat burner around and can be used by both men and women.
You only take one capsule a day at breakfast time and no more for the rest of the day but do make sure to drink 4 or more glasses of water a day.
Now I started taking this weight loss pill on December 27, 2013 once a day until the day of writing this review January 25, 2014.
My thoughts on using this product are somewhat mixed. I had high hopes when I was given the chance to review this type of product and wanted to give it every chance possible. Now its not all good and its not all bad. I took the product just as the label said to. I did not miss a day at all. I did notice that my food intake was curbed a little but not really drastically. I am not a big sweets eater but I do drink my sprite a bit more per day than the average person may. I try to eat healthy but I am not a health nut. I am an overweight person normally. I did not get any shakes or weird effect while using this product but the weight loss was very very minor. My grand total for the complete time I was taking this product was only 2 pounds.
I must say that I was sick with the flu most of the time I was taking this product and I am not sure if it may have slowed the effectiveness or not. I am sure that if I had exercised a bit more the results probably would have been better and everyone is different. What may work for my and my body may not work for another and theirs.
So in general I did have a little weight loss and noticed I was not as hungry most of the time, without any major side effect from using this product.
So my final thoughts on this product are - I am going to leave the choice up to each of you that read my reviews if you want to try this one. Take care everyone.
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